Thursday, January 29, 2009

Volcano Alert!

The volcano, Mount Redoubt in Alaska is a big one! At 10,197 feet tall, it is one big volcano. This volcano is supposed to blow at anytime! On January 23, there was high seismec activity and people think it will blow at any moment. Many residents of Alaska aren't worried about the eruption and think it won't be too major. The last eruption in 1989 only disrupted air traffic. Hopefully, the volcano doesn't harm any people and is not too powerful. So for anyone wanting to go to Alaska, watch out for Mout Redoubt!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Future Of Gaming

     Video games are fun, but some people argue that they don't use enough of your brain. Now, those people don't have to worry anymore. The Emotiv EPOC headset might be coming out in a while. It is a specialized headset that requires you to use your mind. Games like The Matrix and Star Trek's Holodeck are possibilities for the EPOC. President and co-founder Tan Le says, "The brain-to-computer interface was undoubtedly the future for video games." In a couple years, you might be using your mind more for entertainment thanks to the EPOC headset!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Of A New Leader

On the 20th of January, 2009, Barrack Obama became the new president of the USA. He also gave a mighty speech on his plans for the country. As the first African American president, he has pressure. Also, on that same day, Joe Biden became the vice-president. All in all, Obama is the new president of the USA and has many duties to fulfill.
The article, "U.S. celebrates as President Obama vows new era", the writer feels strongly about this event. He thinks good about Obama as our new president. "Barack Obama launched his presidency before an estimated 1.5 million people on the National Mall on Tuesday with somber yet confident tones..." This means the writer thinks that Obama was confident about his new job and his responsibilities. In conclusion, the writer trusts in our new president, Barrack Obama.
The article, "Obama Presidency Marks New Era", the writer feels happy about the new president. He says, "Barack Hussein Obama claimed his place in history as America's first black president, summoning a dispirited nation to unite in hope..." This means he believes that Barrack Obama can bring hope to this country. This also means he believes Obama can stop the economic crisis and more! To sum it up, the writer of this article believes that President Obama can save us from disaster.
The Inauguration of our 44th president, Barrack Obama was one to be remembered. He had a whopping crowd of an estimated 1.5 million people and they all loved him. That's because President Obama is going to do so much for our country. I believe that he can stop the Iraq War, the economic crisis and more! He can do it! I strongly feel that Obama can do this because of his hard work, determination, and skill in politics. Also, with his amazing vice-president, Joe Biden, he has more than enough to save our future. I believe in Obama because he will do a great job as the 44th president of the USA!!!

Link for Article #1-
Link for Article #2-

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Interesting Owls

Owls are great creatures! They eat small rodents like shrews, mice, and moles. Every day, they spit out an owl pellet. Owl pellets are bones and some fur that can't be digested, so the owl spits them out in a pellet. Lucky for us, we got to dissect them! We chose partners and then began. First, we took the pellet out of the foil. We then weighed the pellet and measured it. Next, we began to dissect the pellet. Carefully, we used toothpicks and our own hands to search the pellets for bones. We then tossed out the fur and began cleaning the bones. Then, we sorted out the bones and glued the skeleton of the animals together. Finally, we compared our disoverys with the class. The average number of animals a group got was two. My group got a mole and a shrew! Owls are very interesting creatures and are great animals!