Thursday, April 15, 2010

Popcorn Popping (Science Menu)

Today is science class, we made popcorn, As interesting at it is, science is a big part of these delicious little treats. In fact, science is huge part of life in every aspect. Well lets get back to popcorn. Heat transfer is a big part of this process. Heat transfers into each kernel and makes them pop. Radiation causes this to occur. "Radiation describes any process in which energy travels through a medium or through space, ultimately to be absorbed by another body." In simpler words, it is the transfer of heat energy through an empty space. The heat is transferred from the microwave through empty space and hits the another body, the kernels. This makes the water in each kernel turn into steam. The steam pushes outwards and expands the small kernel into a relatively larger piece of popcorn. The process continues until all the kernels are transformed. Their popping gives them the name "pop-corn." After that the popcorn is all ready to be devoured. Add a little butter and your snack will be perfect. Enjoy!

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